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Microsoft Windows Help File Content | 2003-05-20 | 4.6 KB | 161 lines |
- :Base PhotoMeister2.hlp
- 1 The Basics of Digital Photography
- 2 Introduction=TH_2
- 2 Equipment=TH_3
- 2 Digital Pictures 101=TH_4
- 2 Organizing your Collection=TH_5
- 1 How to Use PhotoMeister
- 2 What This Software Helps You Accomplish=TH_7
- 2 How It's Organized
- 3 How It's Organized=TH_8
- 3 Import=TH_9
- 3 Improve=TH_10
- 3 Impress=TH_11
- 1 Installation
- 2 System Requirements=TH_13
- 2 Setup=TH_14
- 2 Uninstalling=TH_15
- 1 Using PhotoMeister
- 2 Introduction=TH_17
- 2 To Manage your Collection=TH_18
- 2 To Improve Your Photos=TH_19
- 2 To Export Albums via the Printer, Electronically, etc.=TH_99
- 2 Important Features
- 3 Important Features=TH_21
- 3 Multiple vs. Individual Photos
- 4 Multiple vs. Individual Photos=TH_22
- 4 Select All Photos, Deselect All Photos, Invert Selection=TH_100
- 2 Accepting and Cancelling Changes=TH_23
- 3 Using Your Mouse=TH_24
- 2 Configuration
- 3 Configuration=TH_25
- 3 Thumbnails=TH_26
- 3 Album Settings=TH_27
- 3 Configuration "User Interface"=TH_28
- 3 FTP settings=TH_29
- 3 File Extension Settings=TH_30
- 1 Updates=TH_31
- 1 Step 1: Your Photo Collection
- 2 Importing Photos into PhotoMeister Albums
- 3 Importing Photos into PhotoMeister Albums=TH_33
- 3 Where to Import=TH_34
- 3 How to Import=TH_35
- 2 Managing Your Collection
- 3 Managing Your Collection=TH_36
- 3 Managing Albums
- 4 Managing Albums=TH_102
- 4 Creating Albums=TH_38
- 4 Renaming Albums=TH_39
- 4 Deleting Albums=TH_103
- 4 Opening Albums in Microsoft
- Windows
- Explorer
- =TH_40
- 3 Managing Photos
- 4 Managing Photos=TH_104
- 4 Using the clipboard=TH_105
- 4 Moving and Copying Photos=TH_42
- 4 Dumping Photos and Restoring Dumped Photos=TH_43
- 4 Deleting Photos=TH_106
- 4 Duplicating Photos=TH_45
- 4 Backing up Photos and Restoring Photos from Backup=TH_46
- 4 Changing Photo Order=TH_47
- 4 Finding Photos by Name or Comment=TH_48
- 4 Renaming all Photos of an Album=TH_49
- 4 Album Information and Cleanup=TH_50
- 1 Step 2: Working with Your Photos
- 2 Introduction=TH_52
- 2 The Basics
- 3 The Basics=TH_53
- 3 Rotating=TH_54
- 3 Cropping=TH_55
- 3 Adding Frames
- 4 Adding Frames=TH_56
- 4 Frame Borders=TH_57
- 4 Titles and Texts=TH_107
- 2 Removing
- red eye
- =TH_59
- 3 Optimizing=TH_60
- 3 Convert to Black&White=TH_108
- 3 Resize Photo=TH_151
- 2 Advanced - Filter
- 3 Advanced - Filter=TH_61
- 3 Sharpen and Sharpen Fine=TH_62
- 3 Blur=TH_63
- 3 Noise Removal and More Noise Removal=TH_64
- 3 Emboss=TH_65
- 3 Find Edges=TH_66
- 2 Advanced - Adjust
- 3 Advanced - Adjust=TH_67
- 3 Rotation and Mirroring=TH_68
- 3 Hue/Saturation/Lightness=TH_69
- 3 Histogram=TH_70
- 3 RGB=TH_71
- 1 External Editors=TH_72
- 2 Compact View=TH_73
- 2 Set Current Photo As Wallpaper=TH_109
- 1 Step 3: Exporting your Photos
- 2 Introduction=TH_75
- 2 Printing
- 3 Printing=TH_76
- 3 What to print=TH_110
- 3 Start printing=TH_111
- 3 Printing Color Prints=TH_112
- 3 Printing Contact Sheets and CD Covers/Jewel Box Inlays=TH_113
- 3 Previewing and Printing=TH_79
- 2 Publishing To The Web
- 3 Publishing To The Web=TH_114
- 3 HTML Albums vs. Flash Albums
- 4 HTML Albums vs. Flash Albums=TH_115
- 4 Sample HTML Albums=TH_116
- 4 Sample Flash Albums=TH_117
- 3 Creating Web Albums
- 4 Creating Web Albums=TH_118
- 4 Starting the Web Album Wizard=TH_119
- 4 Selecting HTML or Flash album=TH_120
- 4 Creating HTML Albums=TH_121
- 4 Creating Flash Albums=TH_122
- 4 Previewing the Web Abum=TH_123
- 4 Transferring The Album To A Webserver Using FTP=TH_124
- 2 HTML Template Editing=TH_81
- 1 Creating Screensavers=TH_125
- 2 Creating Slideshows=TH_126
- 2 Creating Albums for PDAs (Handhelds)=TH_152
- 2 Sending Emails With Photos=TH_128
- 2 Creating CD-ROMs with Photos
- 3 Creating CD-ROMs with Photos=TH_129
- 3 Available Types of CD-ROMs=TH_130
- 3 Starting CD-ROM Creation=TH_131
- 3 Preparing Photo Presentation CDs=TH_132
- 3 Preparing Backup CDs=TH_133
- 3 Writing CDs=TH_134
- 2 Creating Photo Books
- 3 Creating Photo Books=TH_135
- 3 Why Print Photo Books?=TH_136
- 3 Why Create PDF Photo Books?=TH_137
- 3 Starting the Photo Book Wizard=TH_138
- 3 Editing the photo book layout=TH_140
- 3 Tips&Tricks for Layout Editing=TH_141
- 3 Printing photo books=TH_142
- 3 Creating PDF photo books=TH_143
- 1 Ordering Prints Online=TH_153
- 2 Batch=TH_88
- 1 Troubleshooting
- 2 PhotoMeister Support Website=TH_90
- 1 Software License and Contact Information
- 2 Ordering PhotoMeister
- 3 Ordering PhotoMeister=TH_144
- 3 Order Online using a creditcard=TH_145
- 3 Order online and pay by bank/wire transfer, check or cash=TH_146
- 3 Order by fax=TH_147
- 3 Order by postal mail or telephone=TH_148
- 3 Purchase orders=TH_149
- 1 Support=TH_93
- 2 Copyright
- 3 Copyright=TH_94
- 3 Postal address:=TH_95
- 1 Consulting and Custom Software=TH_96
- 2 License/Usage Terms=TH_97
- 2 Disclaimer of Warranty=TH_98